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Eclipses and Spiritual Growth

Lorena Martinez

Updated: Oct 24, 2022

The choice is simple, Surrender or Resist.

What to expect from the Solar Eclipse Oct 25th, 2022

Eclipses are celestial events, that open avenues, and portals for rapid change. The power of the planets, and the constellations, become amplified by the power of the moon and/or the sun, providing us with experiences that allow us to go deeper in our healing journey.

Eclipses seasons are significant periods of change and transformation. While a solar eclipse opens the portal for new beginnings and change, a lunar eclipse reveals energies that help us complete a journey or shift our course in some way. However, these shifts do not take place all at once. The transformation may start or continue during an eclipse, but the work continues in the weeks and months after an eclipse.

Solar Eclipses are highly karmic events that help to balance the scales of justice in the world and on an individual level. They are considered portal openers, helping us to raise our consciousness and access higher frequencies, by bringing light to karmic contracts, inner child wounds, and ancestral wounds. Solar eclipses take us to the depths of our AKASH, to heal so we can truly access our Darhma, and activate our soul wisdom and our quantum DNA. Eclipses are Strong energies that show us where we are supposed to be, even if we do not want to be there, so they can be very uncomfortable

On a psychological level, during a Solar Eclipse, there is a shift in the vibration and frequency of energies of our planet Earth. Your balance, memory, and attention may be affected, as well as your circadian rhythm. You may also feel restless, extra tired, extra sensitive, and be more aware of the emotions of those around you.

From an astrological point of view, a Solar Eclipse is all about new beginnings and making a fresh start in your life.

According to Native American knowledge, a Solar Eclipse represents a powerful time of healing. The alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth represents the dissolving of differences and the coming together as One, not only from the collective point of view; but especially from the sun eclipses open the spiritual door to our inner world.

Facilitating and providing a powerful time to integrate our shadow and the parts of us that have been pushed to the side, in search of love, approval, and status. A solar Eclipse provides a unique opportunity to integrate the wounds, and go deeper in the understanding of experiences of pain. To raise our consciousness about ourselves, these experiences and knowledge can be used to direct us to who we are, as opposed to what we are supposed or expected to be.

On the physical level, Eclipses can deplete your energy, however, they may also offer a burst of inspiration, so journaling becomes a magical tool to use in the days and even weeks before and after an eclipse. To support your energy during a Solar or Moon Eclipse, grounding exercises, eating root vegetables, drinking healthy water and meditation can provide relief. For those sensitive souls out there, you may feel the energies intensifying as the Eclipse gets closer, so just be gentle with yourself and practice lots of self-care, introspection, if possible solitude, and rest.

This eclipse season happening in the second half of 2022 is bringing some major changes to the individual and the collective. And while these changes can feel chaotic, sudden, and powerful, it's important to remember that these celestial events are the universe's way of pushing us to move toward our true life path and leave our limiting beliefs behind.

Next solar Eclipses so happened to coincide with a new moon giving us that extra push for the start of a new path, that is in more alignment with our soul's blueprint, if we consciously decide to do so. Nonetheless, Let's not forget that these solar eclipses are meant to bring up all the pending shadow work, they are by nature uncomfortable, and challenging times.

Because this eclipse season highlights the energy of the Taurus and Scorpio axis, be prepared to especially see and affect the way you create and balance relationships with both money and people. survival tip pays extra attention to the dynamics and the feeling being triggered by these dynamics in your relationships especially the closest ones to you, try to become an observer and avoid making major decisions, and allow the Eclipse energies to show you the patterns and areas of potential healing first.

Last but not least, we have the Sun and Venus also entering the sign of Scorpio on the 22nd inviting us to deepen our relationships and bring them to a new level of balance and appreciation, in opposition to taking things and people for granted.

This eclipses season comes as the perfect time, to start consciously creating relationships in a balanced order. Balance in the giving and receiving, between the divine masculine and feminine. With Venus coming together with the Sun we have the perfect universal cauldron to manifest, and hopefully after getting all the breadcrumbs as to what has to change, and what is no longer serving you; you can use this information to consciously co-create and manifest in alignment with your higher purpose, health, abundance and experience of true love.

Journal Prompts for Eclipse Season:

  • What relationships feel supportive in my life?

to go deeper

  • What are the dynamics of nonsupportive relationships?

  • How are these dynamics similar to my inner child trauma and wounds?

  • What do I not want to admit to myself?

to go deeper

  • What are the traits, or fears that I do not want to see in myself?

  • What are the traits that I most criticized in myself or others?

  • What am I afraid of losing?

To go deeper

  • What am I afraid to release, to let go?

  • How would letting go of those relationships and fears impact my life?

  • When do I feel most empowered?

  • Who do I feel most empowered around?

  • What practices and people feel most supportive for the next chapter of life?

If you find yourself needing guidance after this Eclipse season,

as so much can come up, allow me to help you bring the puzzle pieces together and guide you; but most importantly empower you to consciously create the life and relationships you desire and deserve. for bookings click the link below and also join this fun newsletter.

Also, check out our online wholesome boutique, high vibrational products for the body and the Soul.

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